
Kenty Adria provides trading and brokerage services, including the procurement and sale of goods, as well as the provision of trade services, with the aim of ensuring long-term client satisfaction and meeting customer needs. The company management has established and maintains a Quality Management System in compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015. This system serves as a foundation for market orientation, understanding, and fulfilling the requirements of existing and future clients and their customers. We have implemented this system to ensure continuous improvement through the identification and assessment of risks and opportunities that may impact the quality of the services provided.

The company’s Quality Policy is based on the following principles:

  • A market-oriented approach that prioritizes understanding and addressing the needs of clients and customers.
  • Meeting client and customer requirements to ensure their satisfaction.
  • Achieving customer and client satisfaction by promptly identifying and evaluating risks and opportunities.
  • Fulfilling obligations to employees and stakeholders, including owners, legislators, suppliers, partners, external collaborators, and the wider social community.
  • Ensuring employee satisfaction through ongoing investment in education, training, and professional development.
  • Promoting continuous process improvement by identifying opportunities for sustained enhancement.
  • Attaining intended results through the effective implementation and maintenance of the Quality Management System.
  • Ensuring compliance with applicable requirements within the scope of the Quality Management System, including legal and regulatory obligations.

The Quality Management System ensures business alignment with the company’s strategic goals and values. The company management ensures that this Quality Policy is communicated, understood, and accessible to all employees and stakeholders, as well as regularly reviewed to ensure its ongoing relevance and effectiveness.

Quality policy